Tuesday, October 7, 2008

ADO.NET Sync Services in N Tier Architecture

Finally after 2 weeks I did get chance to publish the second part of my article on Sync Services.

The article is a follow up article to Introduction to ADO .Net Sync and takes a look at how easily we can convert a two Tier Sync application to N tier using WCF services. The ability to sync up your data without connecting to the main database is a great value and opens the door to many complex architecture implementations. There are many examples on sync services online but most of them are in C#, hence here I am just trying to have very basic examples for the VB community.

If you need slides for your own presentation you can get it from my previous blog. In the coming weeks I'll try to post more examples on sync services, and my next target is to convert the 101 sample library from MSDN to VB .net if someone has not already done that.