Monday, October 19, 2009

SSWUG vConference

Last week I did my session recordings for the SSWUG vConference and it was great, this time I am doing 4 sessions and I kept all of them at level 100 as I remembered when I started looking at these topics few months back I was struggling myself. There is so much information on the Internet but its hard to find introductory topics, topics which will tell you in short what the technology is all about, in what case you need it. I hope I have done a good job at that :)

BTW if anyone wants to register for the event they can use "SPVSUVC09" coupon code and that should save them $25, not bad. Plus the total cost is also very less compare to other conferences so great opportunity for all of us to save some bucks and attend the great sessions seating at home or office in comfort.