Thursday, September 11, 2008

Windows Live Writer

This post may be useful for someone who is new to blogging world, the others might already be using it :). Recently when I informed one of my friend (Dave Noderer) about my new blog he suggested me to try out windows live writer and its amazing. I am writing this blog right from the writer and it seems lot easy now. Microsoft windows live writer is a free tool and can be downloaded from

This makes editing and formatting blogs real easy, plus you can publish them at a specific date. It's got tons of good features, and this one is FREE :)

On the other note, right now I am preparing for my presentation at the Naples Dot Net code camp. If you are in South Florida or are visiting in the weekend (Sept 13th,08) check out the code camp. It's a great way to learn new technology from the Guru's in the field, plus its FREE :) Register at the following site. For those of you who are planning to attend, see you there.

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