Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What I don't like about Windows OS

Today the news about Google coming out with its own operating system "Chrome" is all over the Internet and I was wondering can they make an in-road into the OS field which is basically been dominated by Microsoft for decades. And the answer to that is possibly yes, if not as a full fledge OS for desktops and servers but for portable devices.

There are 2 things that I hate most about windows OS first it takes forever to boot the OS, since I had SP1 installed on my Vista it takes more than 5 minutes just to boot the machine (I have dual core CPU with 4 GB of Ram with high speed HDD), it seems that the OS has gone into some kind of comma, and it's frustrating. Windows 7 seems to be lot better but I still have to see one with all the applications and junk loaded on it. Here Google is giving indications that it wants to keep its OS simple and lighter for the faster boot up. Vista may have many features that are great and that's the reason it may be taking forever to load, but 90% of the users are not even aware of those Features, so why load them by default, let the user turn it on as they need it.

Second feature that I use to hate about windows is that currently it lacks security against spy ware and viruses which they have finally decided to take care by offering Microsoft Security Essentials. I feel that security should always have been part of OS, Windows did have Windows defender but it did not have protection against viruses and spy-wares. One could get the anti-virus with Live One care plan but not many people were aware of the plan and it was like buying a car first and then buying it's warranty plan (here we are not even talking about the extended warranty :) ). Microsoft has promised to release the Security Essentials during the second half of 2009 and one can download the Beta from Microsoft site . Reviews on CNet are mixed, will have to wait and see how the final product turns out.

>> Update: I just checked the Microsoft site and they are not accepting any more participants for the Beta testing of Security Essentials so if you have not downloaded already you may have to wait for some time.

It may take years for Google to come up with a serious OS for the desktops and laptops but for the portable devises and netbooks it may come up with a good solution.

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